Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Note To Dad

Dearest Dad,

When I was born, you were already there taking photos of me. You were so happy that you even displayed them on your exhibit. Those were really amazing shots, Dad! I really was an incubator baby weighing about 4,711gms, and you said I was smaller than a Jack Daniels bottle. That was an epic series of B/W!

When I was 2, you threw me in the pool and just watched me. I learned to swim because of that. You also gave me Crayola Crayons and I drew my first masterpiece. I learned all the different colors in no time!

When I was 4, you let me ride a horse and took me on my first go-kart ride. You also gave me the chance to play around Broadcast City, from the wardrobe/costume department to the video library where I picked out the movies I wanted to watch in the editing room while you were taping. You knew I loved costumes and the arts ever since. But when I was given a clown costume for Jonah's Birthday, I remembered having a tantrum because I hated the clown costume, which actually became a fear up to this day! Hahah!

When I was 6, you brought me to the shooting range and I learned how to shoot and clean guns. You also came with me on my first day of school. You said I was crying and didn't want to let go of your hand. You also went to the guidance office because you saw me push the two big girls bullying me and you didn't get mad at me for doing so.

When I was 8, you enrolled me to learn Combat Aikido and you came to my graduation to watch me kick some ass! You also let me go on my first camping trip as a girl scout.

You always gave me a toy even it was small, because I was happy no matter what. And since then, I also give you toys because you always made me feel how happy you were to receive something simple. When I was 10, you bought me a bmx bike and I learned to ride by myself without the trainer wheels. You knew I could do it and you just let me ride even if I never came home on time for dinner.

When I was 12, you brought home a Kamus so I can learn Bahasa while you guys were in Indo. It was actually a prep for me to get ready to move there. I even became your translator in an instant!

When I was 14, you let me play all the sports in school and even bought me all the nice gears. You also let me travel in Asia to compete and just see, experience and learn different cultures all over the world.

When I was 16, I had my first heartbreak, but you were there to make me smile. You even let me go on my first prom night and let me stay out with my friends even if I didn't come home that night.

When I was 18, you still drove me to College, waited for me and picked me up even if I took so long to get out. You knew I was just hanging out with friends and you still waited. You also didn't get mad at me the very first time I took your car out without your permission. You just gave me a license after.

Dad, so many years had passed, and I did change. I became distant and I wasn't as sweet as when I was 6. I took out my personal problems on you and you still forgave me. I couldn't talk to you and we weren't as close anymore. I took you for granted but you were still there...

No matter how far I have gone and have become, you never gave up on me. Even if I don't tell you "I Love You" on your face anymore, I actually do. Even if you get mad at me for being stubborn, I still care. Even if we don't live in the same house anymore, I still think of you...

Dad, I will always be your Unica Hija and forever I will be... Thank you for everything... ❤


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